PAI serves as the NGO Host supporting knowledge and exchange efforts through this CSO Hub platform and with CSOs and YLO in GFF Partner countries.

PAI’s Chief Operating Officer is the assigned responsible party to manage grievance resolution under the project.  The grievance mechanism addresses concerns promptly and effectively, in a transparent manner that is culturally appropriate and readily accessible to all Project-affected parties, at no cost and without retribution.

The Project grievance mechanism is consistent with World Bank Environmental and Social Standards 2 and 10 (ESS10). All grant partners and labor-related grievances may be submitted through this mechanism.   Grievances may be submitted through the following channels:

Attn: Chief Operating Officer
1300 19th Street, NW – Suite 200
Washington, DC  20036

Grievances submitted should include the following:

All grievances will be registered, classified and reflected in a Grievance Register within two US business days of receiving the grievance.  Grievances received will be summarized and disclosed publicly, respecting anonymity, on the CSO Hub website within 30 days of receiving the grievance.

Grievance Process

PAI will formally acknowledge grievance within 5 US business days of the submission of the grievance. Written feedback will be provided so that a record of correspondence is retained and recorded.  This acknowledgement would include a summary of the grievance, PAI’s approach to responding to the grievance, and an estimated timeframe in which the final response will be issued. PAI will also use the acknowledgement opportunity to clarify issues from the grievance or request further information if required.

If a grievance is considered out-of-scope for the grievance mechanism, PAI will draft a communication explaining why it is out-of-scope and providing any guidance of where to go to get the issue addressed (if possible).  PAI will follow the process below:

  1. Screen

Each grievance will screened in order to determine the appropriate response.

  1. Investigation

PAI’s Chief Operating Officer will lead the grievance investigation. Investigation findings will be used to document decision making process and inform proposed remedy.

  1. Respond

PAI will  respond formally using appropriate communication vehicle in the appropriate languages. All information on the grievance will be documented and actions tracked in the Grievance Register.

  1. Follow-up and Close Out

PAI will follow up with the Complainant formally disclosing the outcome of the investigation and follow-up steps. These are recorded in the Grievance Register with any supporting documentation. If necessary, monitoring arrangements will be put in place to verify implementation.

After resolution, the grievance would be formally closed out. This includes requesting the Complainant sign a completion form to document satisfaction with resolution actions, documenting actions taken, and closing out in the Grievance Register.

Please note, if requested by you we will make every effort to protect your anonymity-unless consent is provided.

Access the online grievance form here