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Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility

Burkina Faso

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Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Accountability Maty Dia
SOS/Jeunesse et Defis (SOS-JD) Local NGO, Youth Focused Accountability Youth Management Sciences for Health (MSH), PAI CSO GFF Hub Harouna Ouedraogo


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - SOS-JK Capacity Strengthening

Strengthen the knowledge of 50 young urban and rural leaders from non-profit health backgrounds in health financing to ensure financial accountability and meet other needs.
A youth platform will be set up to make data available and transfer knowledge/skills to improve the capacities of young people to contribute to national policies and investments supported by the GFF.

$50,000 Feb 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub SOS/Jeunesse et Defis (SOS-JD)
Small Grants Mechanism - SOS-JD Accountability

Strengthening national resource mobilization and accountability for improving the health and nutrition of women, children, and adolescents in the context of Burkina Faso’s investment case for the GFF in 13 regions.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) SOS/Jeunesse et Defis (SOS-JD)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Helen Keller International Local NGO Management Sciences for Health (MSH)


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Small Grants Mechanism - SUN CSA Cambodia

Project Overview: Assess the current funding landscape for nutrition in Cambodia and build the capacity of member organizations to gather and use this information for advocacy. This project directly contributes to the priorities of the national investment case for reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH-N), which identifies nutrition as a key priority area for increased domestic resources.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Helen Keller International


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Positive Generation Local NGO Grant Making Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Cyril Achidi


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug 2020

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Small Grants Mechanism - Cameroon Civil Society Health Alliance (CCSHA) Advocacy

To improve access to SRMNCAH services in the Far North and Adamaoua regions. The project aims to strengthen the CCSHA to enable them to effectively promote demand for SRMNCAH care and services for women, children, and adolescents, and to monitor the quality of care and services.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Positive Generation

Central African Republic

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Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy, Accountability
African Women for Leadership and Network en République Centrafricaine (AWLN-RCA) Local NGO Women and children Léa Mboua-Doumta


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - AWLN-RCA Coalition Building

The activities proposed under the proposal aim to strengthen the capacities of member associations of the CSO coalition for the GFF in CAR. This will enable them to effectively coordinate civil society efforts alongside the GFF; to support the mobilization of resources and to ensure the effective use of limited and available resources but also to achieve the objectives of the Investment Case by 2022.

$40,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub African Women for Leadership and Network en République Centrafricaine (AWLN-RCA)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Cellule de Liaison et d’Information des Associations Féminines (CELIAF) Local NGO Marie Yodamne
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - CELIAF Coalition Building

Through this action, CELIAF in its capacity as the umbrella organization of women's organizations intends to federate CSOs in a participatory process for the establishment of a consensual platform for better monitoring of Government interventions in favor of development in general with attention particular to actions in favor of SRMNIA. Prior to the establishment of the platform, awareness-raising and capacity-building actions will be carried out.

$30,000 Oct 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Cellule de Liaison et d’Information des Associations Féminines (CELIAF)

Côte d’Ivoire

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Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Advocacy, Accountability Maty Dia
FENOS-CI Local NGO Advocacy, Accountability Solange Kone


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Civil Society Engagement in Côte d’Ivoire’s GFF Process Advocacy FENOS-CI, PAI CSO GFF Hub May 2020

Cote d’Ivoire is as an example for Governments and World Bank offices on how to foster an enabling environment for an effective national multi-stakeholder dialogue and facilitate civil society engagement in the GFF process.

Civil Society Engagement in Côte d’Ivoire’s GFF Process


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - FENOS-CI Accountability $26,000 Sep 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub FENOS-CI
Hub Grant - FENOS-CI Accountability

This project led by the Federation of Health Organizations of the Ivory Coast (FENOS-CI) is based on two of the three high impact interventions of the investment case focused on SRMNEA. It ultimately aims to increase the capacity of CSOs in citizen monitoring for transparent and efficient management in the implementation of the GFF process in Côte d'Ivoire.

$50,000 Aug 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub FENOS-CI


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance
Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA) Local NGO Abebe Kebede


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Spotlight on GFF in Ethiopia Advocacy, Accountability Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA), Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)

The GFF Spotlight in Ethiopia is an advocacy and accountability tool aimed at improving civil society engagement, accountability and transparency of GFF implementation at country level.

Spotlight on GFF in Ethiopia
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - CORHA

The overall aim of the project is to build the capacity of CSOs in health financing and budget tracking as well as policy dialogue in the GFF process. The capacity building trainings will be conducted in collaboration with WACI Health Liaison Office in Addis Ababa. The training will provide the following on the joint learning session;
Update participants on the existing continental health financing frameworks and tools to effectively engage with Communities, CSOs, MoH, MoF and MPs. Facilitate the formation of a “Reference Group” or “Accountability Group” which comprises primarily Community and CS representatives, and secondarily representatives from MoH, MoF and MPs to promote a triangular accountability in the overall budget tracking process.

$40,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Accountability Suzanna Dennis
Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud (CEGSS) Local NGO Research Support, Technical Assistance Accountability Walter Flores


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - CEGSS Accountability

To promote the continuous engagement of rural indigenous communities in the monitoring of GFF project implementation taking into account the new reality imposed by Covid-19 restrictions

$40,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud (CEGSS)


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Organization for African Youth-Kenya (OAY) Youth Led Youth Michael Owino
Wemos INGO Research Support, Technical Assistance
OSF Public Health Program INGO
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Joyce Kyalo
HENNET Local NGO Technical Assistance Advocacy, Accountability Dr. Mercy Onsando


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
The GFF in Kenya: A Brief Summary Wemos Sep 2019

This factsheet focuses on the GFF in Kenya. Wemos' factsheet on the GFF explains the general functioning of this health financing model supporting countries in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescents health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N).

Wemos Analysis of the GFF in Kenya
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Accountability OSF Public Health Program June 2020

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Kenya Investment Brief Options E4A project

A short summary of the main highlights from Kenya's investment brief

Investment Case GFF
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug 20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - OAY - Phase II Youth

Objective 1: Strengthened youth advocacy coordination across SRHR, Nutrition and HIV sectors as a continuation of OAY Health Leadership Development Program (HLDP) by July 2022.
Objective 2: Advocate for increased prioritization of AY RMNCAH+N issues for improved Monitoring and accountability with focus on RMNCAH+N Investment Framework Review and ASRH 2015 Review by October 2022.

$50,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Organization for African Youth-Kenya (OAY)
Hub Grant - OAY Youth

1. To generate evidence on prioritization of AY access to RMNCAH+N information and services in transforming health systems for universal care project in Kisumu and Nairobi in collaboration with Council of Governors (CoG) and Ministry of Health (MoH) by August 2021.
2. Strengthen capacity of 2 county AY SRHR Networks and 60 female and male youth advocates on MAYE, social accountability and SMART Advocacy in GFF Processes by August 2021.

$30,000 Sept 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Organization for African Youth-Kenya (OAY)
Hub Grant-HENNET Advocacy

The grant objective is to improve health CSOs coordination for RMNCAH+N investments at the national and in three counties by March 2021; to strengthen the capacity of health CSO on health financing and GFF, then to hold government and stakeholders accountable for the implementation of the RMNCAH+N investment cases and funding at national and in the three counties.

$45,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub HENNET
Small Grants Mechanism - HENNET Advocacy, Accountability

HENNET will strengthen the capacity of civil society to support advocacy and accountability at national, sub-national, and community levels to increase access to and use of quality family planning services among women, adolescents, and young people in Buia and Isiolo counties. Specifically, HENNET will work with its network members to support CSOs to advocate for increased domestic resource mobilization and social accountability for family planning by engaging decision makers through budget advocacy and SMART advocacy approaches.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) HENNET


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Suzanna Dennis
Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL) Local NGO Advocacy, Accountability Joyce Kilikpo


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Liberia Health CSOs Network COVID-19 Health Facility Readiness Scorecard Accountability Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL) Oct-20

This scorecard produced by the Liberia Health CSOs Network is designed to track the readiness of health facilities in 45 selected facilities across 5 counties in Liberia. It will be used primarily to identify readiness gaps at health facilities and advocate for increased investment in the readiness of the health systems to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak and to ensure the availability of essential reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) services at targeted health facilities during and after COVID-19 pandemic.

Liberia Health CSOs Network COVID-19 Health Facility Readiness Scorecard


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant-Liberia Health CSO Network Capacity Strengthening

The proposed work is designed to contribute to LiHCON' capacity to sustain their advocacy and match their advocacy actions towards protecting the health of women, children and adolescent during the ongoing pandemic and beyond .The work will cover capacity building for LiHCON members on digital literacy to enhance their work during the Pandemic and beyond, while at the same time enabling them to continue advocacy work on RMNCAH including nutrition during the pandemic.

$50,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL)
Hub Grant Advocacy, Accountability

Strengthen Liberia Health CSOs Network to meaningfully engage government and partners including private sector as it relates to the Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platforms in support of RMNCAH investment case in Liberia September 2020.

$28,000 Dec 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Maty Dia
HINA - Harmonisation des Initiatives en Nutrition et Sécurité Alimentaire Local NGO Faniry Hantarinivo


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - HINA - Phase II Advocacy

The purpose of this project is to carry out advocacy at the regional/local level in order to guarantee the ownership of the actors, especially civil society, of the investment framework as well as its effective implementation.
The project will help strengthen the coordination of its members, participate in the implementation of the RMNCIA-N investment framework by setting up an accountability monitoring mechanism.

$50,000 Nov 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub HINA - Harmonisation des Initiatives en Nutrition et Sécurité Alimentaire
Hub Grant-HINA Accountability

The project will help strengthen the coordination of the CSO coalition, participate in the implementation of the RMNCAH investment framework by monitoring budget allocations in the 2021 finance bill and promote essential health services for the population, for better post-pandemic protection from COVID-19.

$30,000 Oct 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub HINA - Harmonisation des Initiatives en Nutrition et Sécurité Alimentaire


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance
Youth Initiative for Community Development (YICOD) Youth Led Youth Christina Chilimba
Wemos INGO Research Support Accountability
MANASO - Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations Local NGO


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
The GFF in Malawi: A Brief Summary Wemos Aug 2019

This fact sheet gives an overview on the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in Malawi from an independent perspective expressing concern for consideration by both civil society and the GFF as the process unfolds. Wemos’ fact sheet on the GFF explains the general functioning of this health financing model supporting countries in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescents health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N).

Wemos Analysis of the GFF in Malawi
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Accountability OSF Public Health Program Aug 2020

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - YICOD Youth

The project aims at advocating for increased resource allocation towards adolescent and youth SRHR + Nutrition in the National and District Budgets, National COVID 19 Response Plan and District Implementation Plans, through mobilizing and enhancing youth leaders capacity to hold government accountable .

$30,000 Aug 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Youth Initiative for Community Development (YICOD)
Hub Grant - MANASO

MANASO is proposing to build on the foundation that have been laid where CSOs set up structures and systems that would enable them to actively participate in GFF processes. MANASO wants to strengthen these structures and systems, and where necessary develop and adapt new ones for systematic involvement of coalition members in the GFF processes and investment case implementation through CSO capacity building as well as budget tracking and monitoring.

$40,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub MANASO - Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations
Small Grants Mechanism - MANASO

MANASO will enhance knowledge of civil society and community groups on GFF related processes; develop and continuously update the mapping of GFF processes in Malawi and opportunities for CSO engagement; develop a CSO advocacy action plan and/or joint communication strategy for civil society engagement in GFF; and support the participation of CSOs in critical writing and investment case development processes.

$70,000 Management Sciences for Health (MSH) MANASO - Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Association du Centre Sahélien de Prestation, d’Etudes, d’Ecodéveloppement et de Démocratie Appliquée (ONG-CSPEEDA) Local NGO
Conseil Consultatif National des Enfants et Jeunes (CCNEJ) Youth Led Advocacy Youth Oury Kamissoko
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Youth Maty Dia


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - CSPEEDA Nutrition

Objective 1: Thus the project will contribute to strengthening the Mutual Accountability Mechanism (MRM) on the GFF through capacity building and ownership by CSOs of the GFF investment case. Social mobilization will also pass through a strong involvement of the media in this project.
Objective 2: Contribute to the influence of development plans in favor of nutrition in the target municipalities of the project (integration and financing of nutrition) in accordance with the indications of the GFF investment file in the municipalities of Koulikoro and Tienfala.
Objective 3: By the end of 2022, the municipal (Town Halls) and health (ASACO) authorities of the municipalities in the Koulikoro circle allocate a budget to cover the transport of inputs and the motivation of community relays.

$30,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Association du Centre Sahélien de Prestation, d’Etudes, d’Ecodéveloppement et de Démocratie Appliquée (ONG-CSPEEDA)
Hub Grant - CCNEJ Accountability, Youth

The project activities will focus on Bamako and revolve around three elements:
• Capacity building of adolescents and young people on subjects related to sexual and reproductive health;
• Monitoring access of adolescents and young people to modern methods of contraception;
• Monitoring in the implementation of the priority related to the sexual health of Adolescents and Young people integrated in Mali's investment file under the GFF.

$30,000 Nov 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Conseil Consultatif National des Enfants et Jeunes (CCNEJ)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Association Mauritanienne d’Aides aux Malades Indigents (AMAMI) Local NGO Women and children Moulaye El Mehdi Ould Moulaye Zein
Association Mauritanienne pour la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant (AMSME) Local NGO Advocacy Zeinabou Taleb Moussa
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Maty Dia


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - AMSME - Phase II Advocacy

This project focuses on strengthening the accountability and coordination of the interventions of member organizations of the GFF coalition.

$50,000 Jan 2023 PAI CSO GFF Hub Association Mauritanienne pour la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant (AMSME)
Hub Grant - AMAMI Nutrition

This project aims to strengthen the capacities of civil society through the GFF coalition and the SUN alliance so that they can fully play their role in monitoring investment in nutrition and advocating for common strategies. and effective in order to improve the health and nutritional situation in Mauritania.

$30,000 Oct 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Association Mauritanienne d’Aides aux Malades Indigents (AMAMI)
Hub Grant - AMSME Advocacy

The main activities consist of: advocacy, capacity building, coordination and monitoring, promotion and communication.

$30,000 Oct 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Association Mauritanienne pour la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant (AMSME)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Accountability Suzanna Dennis
Associação Observatório do Cidadão para Transparência e Boa Governação no Sector Saúde (OCTBGSS) Local NGO Advocacy, Accountability Jorge Matine


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - OCS - Phase II Accountability

Objective 1: The government of Mozambique, through the minister of health includes the community needs, in the approved plan and state budget through a participatory process in Maputo, Matola, Tete and Sofala districts (by October 2022);
Objective 2: The Budget Monitoring Forum (FMO) promotes social accountability and documents the availability of quality primary and secondary healthcare services as a result of the government, donor funding, including a special focus on GFF loan/grant amounts and their distribution for the health sector in Mozambique (by October 2022);
Objective 3: The OCTBGSS supports the mozambican Civil Society Platform for Health (PLASOC), the Health and Co-management Committees to develop the technical expertise to track the government’s allocations, expenditures and performance through the social accountability monitoring tools by October 2022.

$50,000 Nov 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Associação Observatório do Cidadão para Transparência e Boa Governação no Sector Saúde (OCTBGSS)
Hub Grant - OCS Advocacy

The Citizen Observatory for Health will train and empower community health Activists to be able to respond to community needs, particularly ensuring that community health extension workers are still allowed to provide home based care to chronic patients during COVID; and to carry out a public budget tracking to ensure that by March 2021, the CSO UHC Coalition is aware of the amount and distribution of government and donor funding for the health sector.

$40,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Associação Observatório do Cidadão para Transparência e Boa Governação no Sector Saúde (OCTBGSS)
Small Grants Mechanism - Rede de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos Moçambique (Rede DSR) Advocacy

Strengthening civil society monitoring and advocacy in relation to adolescent, sexual, and reproductive health and rights in Mozambique

The overall objective of Rede DSR is to promote and defend the sexual and reproductive rights of Mozambicans, in particular women and girls, through advocacy for increased access to high-quality information and services, including safe abortion and family planning, and through fighting traditional harmful practices, discrimination, and violence. Rede DSR brings together 21 CSOs in Maputo and 5 provinces and is the only network active in Mozambique focusing broadly on reproductive and sexual rights. ICRHM is an active member of Rede DSR and will serve as the lead organization for the Small Grants Mechanism.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Centro Internacional para Saúde Reproductiva (ICRH-M)


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Collectif Tous Unis en faveur de la Nutrition au Niger (TUN-Niger) Local NGO Sidikou Souna
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Advocacy Maty Dia
Niger Education Santé et Sport (NESS) Local NGO Budget Tracking Amadou Garba Yaye


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - TUN Nutrition

Nutrition activities will be integrated into the investment plans of 8 municipalities in the Mayahi department in the Maradi region by November 2022. This region is one of the four priority regions of the GFF investment case in Niger. Advocacy and dialogue will be engaged with central and decentralized authorities in favor of nutrition.

$30,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Collectif Tous Unis en faveur de la Nutrition au Niger (TUN-Niger)
Hub Grant - NESS Coalition Building

Communication around barrier measures with muted development of protocol for the use of health services in a pandemic situation will be the basis of the proposed activities. This communication will take place with and towards CSOs, with and towards health workers and finally with and towards pregnant women. Upstream, data will be collected on attendance at health centers in the project areas. The purpose of these activities is to get women to continue to attend health centers despite the health situation of Covid-19.

$30,000 July 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Niger Education Santé et Sport (NESS)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Options E4A project Consulting Firm Technical Assistance Advocacy Youth Esther Agbon
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Research Support Suzanna Dennis
Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) Network Research Support, Technical Assistance Accountability, Budget Tracking Aminu Magashi Garba
Novel Association for Youth Advocacy (NAYA) Youth Focused Youth


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Accountability OSF Public Health Program June 2020

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Nigeria Investment Case: The Role of Civil Society Accountability Options E4A project 2019

A short summary of the main highlights from the Nigeria Investment Case

RMNCH Investment Case
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug 2020

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources
GFF Spotlight Training Accountability Jan 2020

Bringing together HDT/Tanzania; PHIL/Liberia; Health Alert/Sierra Leone; CRHA/ Ethiopia to develop GFF Spotlight in their respective countries.

Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) , , ,
Capacity building on Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights for Youth Coalition on GFF in Nigeria Capacity Strengthening June 2020

In collaboration with AHBN and the Africa Representative on Investor Group, E4A facilitated the above workshop with the following training objectives:
•To equip Nigeria GFF youth coalitions with skills to develop AYSRH scorecard
•Train Nigeria GFF youth coalitions on evidence-based advocacy to hold their respective national governments accountable for implementation of the GFF investment case
•Mentor Nigeria GFF youth coalitions to develop scorecard on AYSRHRMNCAH +N investment case

Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN), Options E4A project


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - AHBN Advocacy

Scaling up coordinated civil society and youth’s advocacy in Nigeria for ensuring non-disruption of Women’s, children’s, and adolescent’s health (WCAH) services under the Nigeria RMNCAH+N-COVID-19 Continuity Response Plan.

$50,000 Sept 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)
Hub Grant - AHBN - regional support Capacity Strengthening

Produce GFF Spotlight and accompanying technical assistance and mentoring to four countries (Ethiopia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Tanzania) to develop their respective GFF Spotlight.

$37,000 Jul 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)
Small Grants Mechanism - NAYA Advocacy

Scale up advocacy efforts to four states in Nigeria by strengthening the technical skills of coalition members through capacity building for effective advocacy, including for domestic resource mobilization, and accountability.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Novel Association for Youth Advocacy (NAYA), Women Friendly Initiative


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
ASOFERWA Local NGO Accountability Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Muhamyankaka Venuste


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
SGM Grant - GFF Civil Society Coalition for Rwanda Advocacy, Accountability

ASOFERWA will use the small grant funds to strengthen the coalition’s ability to contribute to the design, financing, implementation and monitoring of effective and accountable national multi-stakeholder, multisectoral policies and plans for scaling up women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ health at national and sub-national levels.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) ASOFERWA


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
ONG Eau Vie Environnement (ONG EVE) Local NGO Abdou Diouf
Options E4A project Consulting Firm Technical Assistance Advocacy
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy, Accountability Youth Maty Dia
Alliance nationale des Jeunes pour la Santé de la Reproduction et de la Planification Familiale (ANJ-SR/PF) Youth Led Accountability Youth PAI CSO GFF Hub Aminata Badiane Thioye
L'Institut panafricain pour la citoyenneté, les Consommateurs et le Développement (CICODEV) Local NGO Advocacy Options E4A project Amadou Kanoute
REPAOC / OAFRESS Network Research Support, Technical Assistance Advocacy Claire SAMBOU
Consortium RESOPOPDEV-COSC/GFF Local NGO Advocacy Safietou DIOP


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Senegal Investment Case Brief Advocacy Options E4A project 2018

The summary of the Senegalese Investment Case was prepared in 2018 with the technical and financial support of the Evidence for Action (E4A) MamaYe project, in collaboration with the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations on the GFF.

French Senegal Investment Case
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug-20

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Case Study: Senegal, The Experience of Civil Society Engagement in the GFF Accountability, Advocacy Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) Aug-2018

The GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) commissioned this case study to describe the experience of CSOs’ participation and engagement in the GFF process in Senegal. It illustrates the strengths, internal and external challenges, and factors affecting CSOs’ ability to meaningfully contribute to the GFF process, and provides lessons learned and recommendations that civil society in other GFF countries can draw on to strengthen their engagement going forward.

Case Study: Senegal, The Experience of Civil Society Engagement in the GFF


Name Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources
GFF Francophone Regional training Advocacy Oct 2018

Regional workshop on the GFF, in collaboration with PAI for representatives from 10 francophone countries

PAI CSO GFF Hub, Options E4A project , , ,
Civil Society Coalition GFF Focal Point selection Advocacy Feb 2020

Initial engagement with Senegal's GFF civil society coalition to introduce the 'champion approach' and select champions for training and mentoring

Options E4A project
GFF Resource Mobilization Workshop Resource Mobilization Aug 2019

The workshop sought to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively mobilize the resources needed to implement their coalition’s goals and objectives related to the GFF, thereby building their long-term financial sustainability.



Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - ONG-EVE Nutrition

Objective 1: Better integration of nutrition interventions in the implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the ISMEA project, by 2023.
Objective 2: Strengthening the accountability of ISMEA project stakeholders in the Kolda and Sédhiou regions through inclusive monitoring and evaluation of nutrition interventions by 2023.

$30,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub ONG Eau Vie Environnement (ONG EVE)
Hub Grant - REPAOC/OAFRESS - Phase II Capacity Strengthening

Objective 1: CSOs from the two (2) GFF member countries develop technical expertise with the involvement of CSOs from the first 5 countries, to identify neglected sectors in the various investment cases with a view to better taking them into account. account of public health issues.
Objective 2: The 7 beneficiary countries of the project integrate neglected sectors into the investment plan thanks to the advocacy of CSOs who are also involved in CSO coalitions on the GFF.

$50,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub REPAOC / OAFRESS
Hub Grant - ANJ-SR/PF - Phase II Youth, Accountability

Project activities will focus on the same regions as in the pilot phase of the GFF and revolve around three elements:
-Mobilize a series of community actors to engage in monitoring the implementation of the ISMEA project
-Strengthening community social accountability on SRAJ: developing a virtual platform linked to the Community Scorecard to monitor the performance of services for adolescents and young people, share good practices and action points to improve the offer of care under the GFF and influencing policy through youth advocacy.
- Leverage evidence-based lessons to influence investments and programs on SRAJ at national and decentralized level

$50,000 Oct 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Alliance nationale des Jeunes pour la Santé de la Reproduction et de la Planification Familiale (ANJ-SR/PF)
Hub Grant - ANJ-SR/PF Accountability

Project activities will focus on two priority regions of the GFF and revolve around three elements:
• Capacity building of young people on advocacy for sexual and reproductive health rights and services
• Analysis of the performance of the health system related to services for young people and adolescents
• Monitoring and accountability of one of the priorities of the investment case related to the health of young people and adolescents.

$30,000 Dec 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Alliance nationale des Jeunes pour la Santé de la Reproduction et de la Planification Familiale (ANJ-SR/PF)
Hub Grant - Consortium RESOPOPDEV-COSC/GFF Accountability

Project interventions revolve around 4 axes:
-Strengthening governance and coordination;
-Strategic and programmatic monitoring of GFF implementation and stakeholder commitments (government, local authorities, private sector, civil society, technical and financial partners);
-Strengthen the active participation of CSOs in social accountability at the community level;
-Support for the implementation of the COSC GFF resilience plan.

$50,000 Jul 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Consortium RESOPOPDEV-COSC/GFF
Hub Grant - REPAOC / OAFRESS Capacity Strengthening

Proposing an "Advocacy Champions Program" to educate and improve the knowledge of non-state actors about the GFF. This program, already developed on immunization, will develop advocacy skills around the GFF, for additional cohorts of actors selected in the GFF countries of the OAFRESS community.

$30,000 Jul 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub REPAOC / OAFRESS

Sierra Leone

View Country Profile


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
PAI CSO GFF Hub Local NGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy Health Alert Suzanna Dennis
Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) Network Technical Assistance Advocacy Health Alert Aminu Magashi Garba
Health Alert Local NGO Advocacy Victor Koroma


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug 2020

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug 2020

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - Health Alert Advocacy

1. To work with RMNCAH+N CSO coalition members to engage key stakeholders and policy makers in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and the World Bank office in Sierra Leone to fully understand the bottlenecks or challenges/reasons responsible for the delay in approving the Sierra Leone Investment Case and the provision of the GFF Trust fund for the implementation of GFF activities in Sierra Leone.
2. To Work with the RMNCAH+N CSO coalition to develop a strategy to overcome the identified bottlenecks for successful implementation of the GFF Investment Case in Sierra Leone.

$10,000 Jun 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Health Alert


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT) Local NGO Advocacy, Accountability, Budget Tracking Dr. Peter Bujari
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making Advocacy, Budget Tracking Suzanna Dennis
Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) Network Technical Assistance Advocacy Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT) Aminu Magashi Garba
Action Partnership INGO Technical Assistance Advocacy Xochitl Sanchez


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Tanzania Investment Case Brief Advocacy Options E4A project 2018

The summary of the Tanzania Investment Case was prepared in 2018 with the technical and financial support of the Evidence for Action (E4A) MamaYe project, in collaboration with the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations on the GFF.

Tanzania One Plan
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug 2020

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - HDT - Phase III Advocacy

Objective 1: By April 2022, Civil Society Organizations have participated in the development of GFF phase II discussions with the Government of Tanzania and the World Bank.
Objective 2: By August 2022, RMNCAH CSOs in Tanzania understand the content of approved GFF Phase II Program Appraisal Document and have in place, a monitoring and accountability plan.

$50,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT)
Hub Grant - HDT Accountability

(1) Finalize the GFF-CSO engagement strategy for operationalization, alignment and engagement of the GFF – CSO Coordinating Group in the national GFF dialogue structures. (2) Conduct and in-depth analysis of GFF verified performance reports (Program and Finance) and Government led unverified RMNCAH score cards. These outputs will be presented and discussed during CSO-GFF coordinating group bi-annual review meetings. We will then develop policy briefs with policy asks, design and print for use in advocacy with MoH, PORALG and WB as appropriate.

$30,000 Oct 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT)
Hub Grant - HDT Phase II Accountability

(1) Ensure that Tanzanian CSOs are meaningfully engaged in the government-led process to formulate the Health Sector Strategic Plan V and One Plan III;
(2) Coordinate CSO inputs and advocacy to ensure that these priorities are reflected in the GFF phase II project design/PAD; and
(3) Work with the government to overcome absorption challenges with the first GFF and aligned investment, so that 95% of the funds are disbursed by June 2021.

$50,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Wemos INGO Research Support Advocacy Myria Koutsoumpa
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy, Accountability, Budget Tracking Chelsea Mertz
Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO) Network Technical Assistance Achilles Kiwanuka
Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHI) Local NGO Youth Jackie Katana
Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN) Youth Led, Youth Focused Youth Arafat Kabugo
Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum (UYAHF) Youth Led, Youth Focused Youth Patrick Mwesigye
Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA) Local NGO Jostas Mwebembezi


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
The GFF in Uganda: A Brief Summary 2020 Update Wemos, Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) Dec 2020

This was a revision of the pre-existing RMNCAH Sharpened Plan 2013-2017, titled “A promise renewed”, Uganda’s previous national strategy for women, children, and adolescents’ health. The Investment Case is anchored on the Health Sector Development Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20. It thus contributes to the second National Development Plan, the second National Health Policy and to the overall Uganda Vision 2040.

Wemos Analysis of the GFF in Uganda 2020 Update
The GFF in Uganda: A Brief Summary Wemos, Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) Aug 2019

This fact sheet gives an overview on the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in Uganda from an independent perspective expressing concern for consideration by both civil society and the GFF as the process unfolds. Wemos’ fact sheet on the GFF explains the general functioning of this health financing model supporting countries in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescents health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N).

Wemos Analysis of the GFF in Uganda
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Accountability OSF Public Health Program Aug 2020

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Rapid Assessment on Young People's Experiences, Challenges and Best Practices on Demand, Access and Utilization of Youth Friendly Services and Information: A Case of Busia and Pallisa District Accountability, Youth Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum (UYAHF), Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN) Dec 2020

This study was a rapid assessment of adolescent health service provision in selected districts of Busia and Pallisa, both are currently undertaking the Investment Case for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) Sharpened Plan for Uganda 2016/17-2019/20 under the Results Based Financing (RBF) framework. However, Busia district has just been enrolled on the RBF in FY 2019/20 while Pallisa started rollout of RBF in FY 2018/19. Uganda currently has a youthful population with 55% under 18 years of age (UBO, 2016). Teenage pregnancy rate increased to 25% in 2016 down from 24.5% in 2011 (UDHS, 2016). This largely affects the adolescent age group of 15-19 years. As a commitment to reduce the high teenage pregnancy rate, ministry of health in its Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP) set a target to reduce it to 14% by 2020. In Busia, 28% of institutional deliveries at health facilities are adolescents between the ages of 10 -19 years while in Paliisa, adolescents account for 31% of health facility institutional deliveries.

Rapid Assessment on Young People’s Experiences, Challenges and Best Practices on Demand, Access and Utilization of Youth Friendly Services and Information: A Case of Busia and Pallisa District
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug 2020

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - 3FHi - Phase II Advocacy

Objective 1: Ntoroko district government adopt policy framework to promote WCAH investments by August 2022.
Objective 2: Strengthened CSO coalition in Ntoroko district on WCAH investments and accountability by Augusts 2022.
Objective 3: Secure commitments from Ntoroko DLG for ReIF financing by September 2022.

$50,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHI)
Hub Grant - NYHN - Phase II Youth, Accountability

Objective 1: District and Regional Referral Hospitals in 10 selected districts commit to provide quality adolescent health services based on the 2016 Adolescent Health Service Standard and Policy Guidelines by June 2022.
Objective 2: 20 DICAH youth representatives in 10 selected districts, 3 CCM youth representatives and GFF youth representative on the ADH technical working group have technical expertise to effectively engage in evidence based smart advocacy and hold decision makers accountable for improved adolescent health service delivery by June 2022.
Objective 3: By June 2022, 500 AGYWs and young women in 5 divisions of Kampala have adequate skills, knowledge and tools to monitor key nutrition indicators among AGYW and young women in slum communities and appropriately refer them for nutrition services at nearest health facilities.

$30,000 Aug 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)
Hub Grant - RCRA Advocacy

RCRA requested support to: document the implementation of the GFF-financed RBF investment in Kasese District through the development of district score cards; and (2) To strengthen the RMNCAH+N district civil society coalition; and (3) Build district level CSOs capacity for health budget advocacy and expenditure tracking.

$40,000 Dec 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA)
Hub Grant - Uganda Youth Platform Advocacy

By 2021, support youth led and youth serving organizations in Uganda, to develop an evidence based joint youth advocacy action and coordination plan to enhance meaningful youth participation, transparency and accountability for GFF and the RMNCAH investment case for Uganda.

$15,000 Dec 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum (UYAHF), Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)
Hub Grant - 3FHI Advocacy

At the national level, Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHi) will leverage on the recently launched Inter-Faith Alliance for the Advancement of FP/SRH in Uganda (iFAP). At the sub-national level (Rwenzori Region), 3FHi will partner with Rwenzori Centre for Research and Advocacy (RCRA). At this lower level (Rwenzori) 3FHi will link trained and equipped FRL with RCRA led-monitoring and accountability processes in the targeted districts of Ibanda,Kamwenge, Ntoroko,Rubirizi and Kyenjonjo in the greater Rwenzori Region. Jointly with RCRA Project Team, 3FHi will provide technical assistance and follow-up to ensure that District’s WCAH Faith Advocates are fully engaged and actively involved.

$40,000 Aug 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHI)
Hub Grant - Uganda CSO Coalition Coalition Building, Advocacy

Uganda RMNCAH+N coalition plans to strengthen coordination of members in the implementation and monitoring of GFF both at sub national and national level. Through consensus building, increasing/aligning resources and actions to present a coordinated CS perspective and meaningful participation in national and sub‐national processes through the national multi‐stakeholder platform and other similar structures at the sub‐national level. More still, policy and budget advocacy will be strengthened for RMNCAH+N issues and priorities as well as other WCAH targets.

$50,000 Jul 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO)
Hub Grant - NYHN - Meaningful Youth Engagement Research

The MAYE Plus analysis will aim at understanding how youth networks are engaged and coordinated in the GFF in country process. The MAYE Plus will build on the MAYE in the GFF analysis conducted by Global Health Visions with support from PMNCH and will take a deeper and a more diverse understanding of level of engagement, power to influence decisions, existence of structures and other mechanisms to support coordination, factors that have favored effective coordination and what has limited effective coordination of youth networks in GFF processes.

$10,000 Aug 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)
Small Grants Mechanism - Northern Uganda Human Rights Partnership (NUHRP) Accountability

GWED-G will work with coalition members to hold the local government accountable for delivery of quality health care services by increasing citizen awareness and demand for high-quality health care. Key project outcomes include increased accountability of service providers and government officials to citizens for quality health care services; and improved citizen voice and participation in governance, including in the management and oversight of public resources.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Gulu Women’s Economic Development and Globalisation (GWED-G)


Name Theme Author Collaborators Date Released Summary Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aug 2020

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Centre for Reproductive Health and Education (CRHE) Local NGO Advocacy Amos Mwale
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy Suzanna Dennis


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - CRHE - Phase II Advocacy

Objective 1: CSO Coalition identify, develop and put forward a set of priorities for the RMNCAH-N roadmap by Dec 2021.
Objective 2: The CSO health coalition in Zambia remains active, through regular meetings/coordination of the coalition to ensure CSO and youth representatives on the country platform are truly reflective of and accountable to a broader CSO community. The coalition will further monitor, identify gaps and develop advocacy activities for RMNCAH-N activities to in their respective catchment areas.
Objective 3: CSO coalition ensures that priorities identified in RMNCAH-N roadmap are reflected in the indicators to monitor the national budget

$50,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Centre for Reproductive Health and Education (CRHE)
Hub Grant - CRHE Advocacy

Hold National Civil Society Organization(CSO)consultations on CSO Engagement on GFF. The meeting aims to identify what specific activities and role civil society can undertake to contribute to the achievement of the Investment Case and to more systematically coordinate CSO engagement in the GFF processes in Zambia.

$45,000 Jun 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Centre for Reproductive Health and Education (CRHE)


Organization Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Issue Area Strategic Partners Key Contact
Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) Local NGO Advocacy Itai Rusike
PAI CSO GFF Hub INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) Suzanna Dennis


Name Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - CWGH Advocacy

Develop a network of CSO practitioners working with GFF to document, share and make their work more visible. Document and share work being done, to better understand good practices on GFF. Build capacity for tracking and monitoring GFF processes in Zimbabwe for social dialogue and accountability of services. Thus strengthen and equip internal capacities of CSOs through supporting information exchange, dialogue in the network, and through skills inputs on the Investment Case. Promote the establishment of CSO GFF Platform that bring CSOs together at sub-national and national level.

$30,000 Sep 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Community Working Group on Health (CWGH)
Hub Grant - Zimbabwe CSO Coalition Advocacy, Accountability

A grant to CWGH to coordinate the Zimbabwe CSO GFF coalition; and engage Zimbabwean authorities to attain pre-COVID levels of
access to RMNCAH/N services in Mutasa rural and Bulawayo urban districts by December 2021.

$40,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Community Working Group on Health (CWGH)

Action Partnership

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Tanzania INGO Technical Assistance Advocacy Xochitl Sanchez


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Nigeria Network Research Support, Technical Assistance Accountability, Budget Tracking Aminu Magashi Garba
Sierra Leone Network Technical Assistance Advocacy Health Alert Aminu Magashi Garba
Tanzania Network Technical Assistance Advocacy Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT) Aminu Magashi Garba


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
Spotlight on GFF in Ethiopia Ethiopia Advocacy, Accountability Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA), Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)

The GFF Spotlight in Ethiopia is an advocacy and accountability tool aimed at improving civil society engagement, accountability and transparency of GFF implementation at country level.

Spotlight on GFF in Ethiopia


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources
GFF Spotlight Training Nigeria Accountability Jan 2020

Bringing together HDT/Tanzania; PHIL/Liberia; Health Alert/Sierra Leone; CRHA/ Ethiopia to develop GFF Spotlight in their respective countries.

Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL), Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA), Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT), Health Alert
Capacity building on Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights for Youth Coalition on GFF in Nigeria Nigeria Capacity Strengthening June 2020

In collaboration with AHBN and the Africa Representative on Investor Group, E4A facilitated the above workshop with the following training objectives:
•To equip Nigeria GFF youth coalitions with skills to develop AYSRH scorecard
•Train Nigeria GFF youth coalitions on evidence-based advocacy to hold their respective national governments accountable for implementation of the GFF investment case
•Mentor Nigeria GFF youth coalitions to develop scorecard on AYSRHRMNCAH +N investment case

Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN), Options E4A project Options E4A project


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

African Women for Leadership and Network en République Centrafricaine (AWLN-RCA)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Central African Republic Local NGO Léa Mboua-Doumta


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Alliance nationale des Jeunes pour la Santé de la Reproduction et de la Planification Familiale (ANJ-SR/PF)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Senegal Youth Led Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub Aminata Badiane Thioye


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees


Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Rwanda Local NGO Accountability Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Muhamyankaka Venuste


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Associação Observatório do Cidadão para Transparência e Boa Governação no Sector Saúde (OCTBGSS)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Mozambique Local NGO Advocacy, Accountability Jorge Matine


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Association du Centre Sahélien de Prestation, d’Etudes, d’Ecodéveloppement et de Démocratie Appliquée (ONG-CSPEEDA)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Mali Local NGO


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Association Mauritanienne d’Aides aux Malades Indigents (AMAMI)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Mauritania Local NGO Moulaye El Mehdi Ould Moulaye Zein


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Association Mauritanienne pour la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant (AMSME)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Mauritania Local NGO Advocacy Zeinabou Taleb Moussa


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Cellule de Liaison et d’Information des Associations Féminines (CELIAF)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Chad Local NGO Marie Yodamne


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
The GFF in Uganda: A Brief Summary 2020 Update Uganda Wemos, Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD)

This was a revision of the pre-existing RMNCAH Sharpened Plan 2013-2017, titled “A promise renewed”, Uganda’s previous national strategy for women, children, and adolescents’ health. The Investment Case is anchored on the Health Sector Development Plan 2015/16 – 2019/20. It thus contributes to the second National Development Plan, the second National Health Policy and to the overall Uganda Vision 2040.

Dec 2020 Wemos Analysis of the GFF in Uganda 2020 Update
The GFF in Uganda: A Brief Summary Uganda Wemos, Center for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD)

This fact sheet gives an overview on the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in Uganda from an independent perspective expressing concern for consideration by both civil society and the GFF as the process unfolds. Wemos’ fact sheet on the GFF explains the general functioning of this health financing model supporting countries in reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescents health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N).

Aug 2019 Wemos Analysis of the GFF in Uganda


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Centre for Reproductive Health and Education (CRHE)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Zambia Local NGO Advocacy Amos Mwale


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud (CEGSS)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Guatemala Local NGO Research Support, Technical Assistance Accountability Walter Flores


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Centro Internacional para Saúde Reproductiva (ICRH-M)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
Case Study: Senegal, The Experience of Civil Society Engagement in the GFF Senegal Accountability, Advocacy Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG)

The GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) commissioned this case study to describe the experience of CSOs’ participation and engagement in the GFF process in Senegal. It illustrates the strengths, internal and external challenges, and factors affecting CSOs’ ability to meaningfully contribute to the GFF process, and provides lessons learned and recommendations that civil society in other GFF countries can draw on to strengthen their engagement going forward.

Aug-2018 Case Study: Senegal, The Experience of Civil Society Engagement in the GFF


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Collectif Tous Unis en faveur de la Nutrition au Niger (TUN-Niger)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Niger Local NGO Sidikou Souna


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Community Working Group on Health (CWGH)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Zimbabwe Local NGO Advocacy Itai Rusike


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Conseil Consultatif National des Enfants et Jeunes (CCNEJ)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Mali Youth Led Advocacy Oury Kamissoko


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Ethiopia Local NGO Abebe Kebede


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
Spotlight on GFF in Ethiopia Ethiopia Advocacy, Accountability Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA), Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)

The GFF Spotlight in Ethiopia is an advocacy and accountability tool aimed at improving civil society engagement, accountability and transparency of GFF implementation at country level.

Spotlight on GFF in Ethiopia


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees


Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Senegal Local NGO Advocacy Safietou DIOP


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHI)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Uganda Local NGO Jackie Katana


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees


Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Côte d’Ivoire Local NGO Advocacy, Accountability Solange Kone


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
Civil Society Engagement in Côte d’Ivoire’s GFF Process Côte d’Ivoire Advocacy FENOS-CI, PAI CSO GFF Hub

Cote d’Ivoire is as an example for Governments and World Bank offices on how to foster an enabling environment for an effective national multi-stakeholder dialogue and facilitate civil society engagement in the GFF process.

May 2020 Civil Society Engagement in Côte d’Ivoire’s GFF Process


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Gulu Women’s Economic Development and Globalisation (GWED-G)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Health Alert

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Sierra Leone Local NGO Advocacy Victor Koroma


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Tanzania Local NGO Advocacy, Accountability, Budget Tracking Dr. Peter Bujari


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Helen Keller International

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Cambodia Local NGO Management Sciences for Health (MSH)


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees


Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Kenya Local NGO Technical Assistance Advocacy, Accountability Dr. Mercy Onsando


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

HINA - Harmonisation des Initiatives en Nutrition et Sécurité Alimentaire

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Madagascar Local NGO Faniry Hantarinivo


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

L'Institut panafricain pour la citoyenneté, les Consommateurs et le Développement (CICODEV)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Senegal Local NGO Advocacy Options E4A project Amadou Kanoute


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Management Sciences for Health (MSH)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Small Grants Mechanism - SOS-JD Burkina Faso Accountability

Strengthening national resource mobilization and accountability for improving the health and nutrition of women, children, and adolescents in the context of Burkina Faso’s investment case for the GFF in 13 regions.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) SOS/Jeunesse et Defis (SOS-JD)
Small Grants Mechanism - SUN CSA Cambodia Cambodia

Project Overview: Assess the current funding landscape for nutrition in Cambodia and build the capacity of member organizations to gather and use this information for advocacy. This project directly contributes to the priorities of the national investment case for reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child, and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH-N), which identifies nutrition as a key priority area for increased domestic resources.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Helen Keller International
Small Grants Mechanism - Cameroon Civil Society Health Alliance (CCSHA) Cameroon Advocacy

To improve access to SRMNCAH services in the Far North and Adamaoua regions. The project aims to strengthen the CCSHA to enable them to effectively promote demand for SRMNCAH care and services for women, children, and adolescents, and to monitor the quality of care and services.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Positive Generation
Small Grants Mechanism - HENNET Kenya Advocacy, Accountability

HENNET will strengthen the capacity of civil society to support advocacy and accountability at national, sub-national, and community levels to increase access to and use of quality family planning services among women, adolescents, and young people in Buia and Isiolo counties. Specifically, HENNET will work with its network members to support CSOs to advocate for increased domestic resource mobilization and social accountability for family planning by engaging decision makers through budget advocacy and SMART advocacy approaches.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) HENNET
Small Grants Mechanism - MANASO Malawi

MANASO will enhance knowledge of civil society and community groups on GFF related processes; develop and continuously update the mapping of GFF processes in Malawi and opportunities for CSO engagement; develop a CSO advocacy action plan and/or joint communication strategy for civil society engagement in GFF; and support the participation of CSOs in critical writing and investment case development processes.

$70,000 Management Sciences for Health (MSH) MANASO - Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations
Small Grants Mechanism - Rede de Defesa dos Direitos Sexuais e Reprodutivos Moçambique (Rede DSR) Mozambique Advocacy

Strengthening civil society monitoring and advocacy in relation to adolescent, sexual, and reproductive health and rights in Mozambique

The overall objective of Rede DSR is to promote and defend the sexual and reproductive rights of Mozambicans, in particular women and girls, through advocacy for increased access to high-quality information and services, including safe abortion and family planning, and through fighting traditional harmful practices, discrimination, and violence. Rede DSR brings together 21 CSOs in Maputo and 5 provinces and is the only network active in Mozambique focusing broadly on reproductive and sexual rights. ICRHM is an active member of Rede DSR and will serve as the lead organization for the Small Grants Mechanism.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Centro Internacional para Saúde Reproductiva (ICRH-M)
Small Grants Mechanism - NAYA Nigeria Advocacy

Scale up advocacy efforts to four states in Nigeria by strengthening the technical skills of coalition members through capacity building for effective advocacy, including for domestic resource mobilization, and accountability.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Novel Association for Youth Advocacy (NAYA), Women Friendly Initiative
SGM Grant - GFF Civil Society Coalition for Rwanda Rwanda Advocacy, Accountability

ASOFERWA will use the small grant funds to strengthen the coalition’s ability to contribute to the design, financing, implementation and monitoring of effective and accountable national multi-stakeholder, multisectoral policies and plans for scaling up women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ health at national and sub-national levels.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) ASOFERWA
Small Grants Mechanism - Northern Uganda Human Rights Partnership (NUHRP) Uganda Accountability

GWED-G will work with coalition members to hold the local government accountable for delivery of quality health care services by increasing citizen awareness and demand for high-quality health care. Key project outcomes include increased accountability of service providers and government officials to citizens for quality health care services; and improved citizen voice and participation in governance, including in the management and oversight of public resources.

Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Gulu Women’s Economic Development and Globalisation (GWED-G)

MANASO - Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Malawi Local NGO


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Uganda Youth Led, Youth Focused Arafat Kabugo


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
Rapid Assessment on Young People's Experiences, Challenges and Best Practices on Demand, Access and Utilization of Youth Friendly Services and Information: A Case of Busia and Pallisa District Uganda Accountability, Youth Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum (UYAHF), Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)

This study was a rapid assessment of adolescent health service provision in selected districts of Busia and Pallisa, both are currently undertaking the Investment Case for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) Sharpened Plan for Uganda 2016/17-2019/20 under the Results Based Financing (RBF) framework. However, Busia district has just been enrolled on the RBF in FY 2019/20 while Pallisa started rollout of RBF in FY 2018/19. Uganda currently has a youthful population with 55% under 18 years of age (UBO, 2016). Teenage pregnancy rate increased to 25% in 2016 down from 24.5% in 2011 (UDHS, 2016). This largely affects the adolescent age group of 15-19 years. As a commitment to reduce the high teenage pregnancy rate, ministry of health in its Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP) set a target to reduce it to 14% by 2020. In Busia, 28% of institutional deliveries at health facilities are adolescents between the ages of 10 -19 years while in Paliisa, adolescents account for 31% of health facility institutional deliveries.

Dec 2020 Rapid Assessment on Young People’s Experiences, Challenges and Best Practices on Demand, Access and Utilization of Youth Friendly Services and Information: A Case of Busia and Pallisa District


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Niger Education Santé et Sport (NESS)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Niger Local NGO Budget Tracking Amadou Garba Yaye


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Novel Association for Youth Advocacy (NAYA)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Nigeria Youth Focused


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

ONG Eau Vie Environnement (ONG EVE)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Senegal Local NGO Abdou Diouf


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Options E4A project

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Nigeria Consulting Firm Technical Assistance Advocacy Esther Agbon
Senegal Consulting Firm Technical Assistance Advocacy


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
Kenya Investment Brief Kenya Options E4A project

A short summary of the main highlights from Kenya's investment brief

Investment Case GFF
Nigeria Investment Case: The Role of Civil Society Nigeria Accountability Options E4A project

A short summary of the main highlights from the Nigeria Investment Case

2019 RMNCH Investment Case
Senegal Investment Case Brief Senegal Advocacy Options E4A project

The summary of the Senegalese Investment Case was prepared in 2018 with the technical and financial support of the Evidence for Action (E4A) MamaYe project, in collaboration with the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations on the GFF.

2018 French Senegal Investment Case
Tanzania Investment Case Brief Tanzania Advocacy Options E4A project

The summary of the Tanzania Investment Case was prepared in 2018 with the technical and financial support of the Evidence for Action (E4A) MamaYe project, in collaboration with the Coalition of Civil Society Organizations on the GFF.

2018 Tanzania One Plan


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources
Capacity building on Adolescent and Youth Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights for Youth Coalition on GFF in Nigeria Nigeria Capacity Strengthening June 2020

In collaboration with AHBN and the Africa Representative on Investor Group, E4A facilitated the above workshop with the following training objectives:
•To equip Nigeria GFF youth coalitions with skills to develop AYSRH scorecard
•Train Nigeria GFF youth coalitions on evidence-based advocacy to hold their respective national governments accountable for implementation of the GFF investment case
•Mentor Nigeria GFF youth coalitions to develop scorecard on AYSRHRMNCAH +N investment case

Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN), Options E4A project Options E4A project
GFF Francophone Regional training Senegal Advocacy Oct 2018

Regional workshop on the GFF, in collaboration with PAI for representatives from 10 francophone countries

PAI CSO GFF Hub, Options E4A project SOS/Jeunesse et Defis (SOS-JD), FENOS-CI, L'Institut panafricain pour la citoyenneté, les Consommateurs et le Développement (CICODEV), ASOFERWA
Civil Society Coalition GFF Focal Point selection Senegal Advocacy Feb 2020

Initial engagement with Senegal's GFF civil society coalition to introduce the 'champion approach' and select champions for training and mentoring

Options E4A project L'Institut panafricain pour la citoyenneté, les Consommateurs et le Développement (CICODEV)


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

Organization for African Youth-Kenya (OAY)

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Kenya Youth Led Michael Owino


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees

OSF Public Health Program

Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Kenya INGO


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Kenya Accountability OSF Public Health Program

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

June 2020 Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Malawi Accountability OSF Public Health Program

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

Aug 2020 Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Nigeria Accountability OSF Public Health Program

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

June 2020 Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Uganda Accountability OSF Public Health Program

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

Aug 2020 Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources


Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees


Organization Activity

Country Type of Organization Type of Support Area of Expertise Strategic Partners Key Contact
Burkina Faso INGO Grant Making Accountability Maty Dia
Central African Republic INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy, Accountability
Chad INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance
Côte d’Ivoire INGO Grant Making Advocacy, Accountability Maty Dia
Ethiopia INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance
Guatemala INGO Grant Making Accountability Suzanna Dennis
Kenya INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Joyce Kyalo
Liberia INGO Grant Making Suzanna Dennis
Madagascar INGO Grant Making Maty Dia
Malawi INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance
Mali INGO Grant Making Maty Dia
Mauritania INGO Grant Making Maty Dia
Mozambique INGO Grant Making Accountability Suzanna Dennis
Niger INGO Grant Making Advocacy Maty Dia
Nigeria INGO Grant Making, Research Support Suzanna Dennis
Senegal INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy, Accountability Maty Dia
Sierra Leone Local NGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy Health Alert Suzanna Dennis
Tanzania INGO Grant Making Advocacy, Budget Tracking Suzanna Dennis
Uganda INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy, Accountability, Budget Tracking Chelsea Mertz
Zambia INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy Suzanna Dennis
Zimbabwe INGO Grant Making, Technical Assistance Advocacy Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) Suzanna Dennis


Name Country Theme Author Collaborators Summary Date Released Documents
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Afghanistan Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug-20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Bangladesh PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug-20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Cameroon Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug 2020 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Civil Society Engagement in Côte d’Ivoire’s GFF Process Côte d’Ivoire Advocacy FENOS-CI, PAI CSO GFF Hub

Cote d’Ivoire is as an example for Governments and World Bank offices on how to foster an enabling environment for an effective national multi-stakeholder dialogue and facilitate civil society engagement in the GFF process.

May 2020 Civil Society Engagement in Côte d’Ivoire’s GFF Process
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Guinea PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug-20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Indonesia PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug-20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Kenya PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug 20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Malawi PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Mali Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug-20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Myanmar Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug-20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Nigeria Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug 2020 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Rwanda Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug-20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Senegal Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug-20 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Comparative Analysis of the GFF Sierra Leone Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

A comparative analysis of the Global Financing Facility (GFF)-related investments in select countries around the world with the aim of enhancing and informing civil society advocacy on health financing and governance. The study, implemented by E&K Consulting Firm, analyzed a cross-section of GFF participating countries in Latin America and Anglophone and Francophone Africa and identified trends in the health financing choices of the GFF, transparency and accountability imperatives in the GFF mechanism, challenges facing the facility and strategic areas that future work on the GFF should focus on.

Aug 2020 Comparative Analysis of Selected GFF-related Investments to Enhance Civil Society Advocacy
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Sierra Leone Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug 2020 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Tanzania Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug 2020 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Uganda Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug 2020 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility
Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of MCPs Used to Implement the GFF Vietnam Accountability PAI CSO GFF Hub

This assessment provides a detailed analysis of the existence and status of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) multistakeholder country platforms (MCPs) in terms of their effectiveness and functionality in providing strategic coordination of stakeholders and funding sources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N) country investment cases (ICs). Guided by the minimum standards provided in the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platform in Support of Every Woman and Every Child checklist, the assessment highlights the status of GFF countries’ processes and the existence of the MCPs, the composition and representation of various MCP constituencies and how well the country-level MCP structure assumes its roles and responsibilities.

Aug 2020 Assessment of the Status and Effectiveness of National Multistakeholder Country Platforms Used to Implement the Global Financing Facility


Name Country Theme Date Description Contributing Partners Attendees Additional Resources
GFF Francophone Regional training Senegal Advocacy Oct 2018

Regional workshop on the GFF, in collaboration with PAI for representatives from 10 francophone countries

PAI CSO GFF Hub, Options E4A project SOS/Jeunesse et Defis (SOS-JD), FENOS-CI, L'Institut panafricain pour la citoyenneté, les Consommateurs et le Développement (CICODEV), ASOFERWA
GFF Resource Mobilization Workshop Senegal Resource Mobilization Aug 2019

The workshop sought to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively mobilize the resources needed to implement their coalition’s goals and objectives related to the GFF, thereby building their long-term financial sustainability.



Name Country Theme Objective Amount End Date Grant Making Organization Grantees
Hub Grant - SOS-JK Burkina Faso Capacity Strengthening

Strengthen the knowledge of 50 young urban and rural leaders from non-profit health backgrounds in health financing to ensure financial accountability and meet other needs.
A youth platform will be set up to make data available and transfer knowledge/skills to improve the capacities of young people to contribute to national policies and investments supported by the GFF.

$50,000 Feb 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub SOS/Jeunesse et Defis (SOS-JD)
Hub Grant - AWLN-RCA Central African Republic Coalition Building

The activities proposed under the proposal aim to strengthen the capacities of member associations of the CSO coalition for the GFF in CAR. This will enable them to effectively coordinate civil society efforts alongside the GFF; to support the mobilization of resources and to ensure the effective use of limited and available resources but also to achieve the objectives of the Investment Case by 2022.

$40,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub African Women for Leadership and Network en République Centrafricaine (AWLN-RCA)
Hub Grant - CELIAF Chad Coalition Building

Through this action, CELIAF in its capacity as the umbrella organization of women's organizations intends to federate CSOs in a participatory process for the establishment of a consensual platform for better monitoring of Government interventions in favor of development in general with attention particular to actions in favor of SRMNIA. Prior to the establishment of the platform, awareness-raising and capacity-building actions will be carried out.

$30,000 Oct 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Cellule de Liaison et d’Information des Associations Féminines (CELIAF)
Hub Grant - FENOS-CI Côte d’Ivoire Accountability $26,000 Sep 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub FENOS-CI
Hub Grant - FENOS-CI Côte d’Ivoire Accountability

This project led by the Federation of Health Organizations of the Ivory Coast (FENOS-CI) is based on two of the three high impact interventions of the investment case focused on SRMNEA. It ultimately aims to increase the capacity of CSOs in citizen monitoring for transparent and efficient management in the implementation of the GFF process in Côte d'Ivoire.

$50,000 Aug 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub FENOS-CI
Hub Grant - CORHA Ethiopia

The overall aim of the project is to build the capacity of CSOs in health financing and budget tracking as well as policy dialogue in the GFF process. The capacity building trainings will be conducted in collaboration with WACI Health Liaison Office in Addis Ababa. The training will provide the following on the joint learning session;
Update participants on the existing continental health financing frameworks and tools to effectively engage with Communities, CSOs, MoH, MoF and MPs. Facilitate the formation of a “Reference Group” or “Accountability Group” which comprises primarily Community and CS representatives, and secondarily representatives from MoH, MoF and MPs to promote a triangular accountability in the overall budget tracking process.

$40,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA)
Hub Grant - CEGSS Guatemala Accountability

To promote the continuous engagement of rural indigenous communities in the monitoring of GFF project implementation taking into account the new reality imposed by Covid-19 restrictions

$40,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud (CEGSS)
Hub Grant - OAY - Phase II Kenya Youth

Objective 1: Strengthened youth advocacy coordination across SRHR, Nutrition and HIV sectors as a continuation of OAY Health Leadership Development Program (HLDP) by July 2022.
Objective 2: Advocate for increased prioritization of AY RMNCAH+N issues for improved Monitoring and accountability with focus on RMNCAH+N Investment Framework Review and ASRH 2015 Review by October 2022.

$50,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Organization for African Youth-Kenya (OAY)
Hub Grant - OAY Kenya Youth

1. To generate evidence on prioritization of AY access to RMNCAH+N information and services in transforming health systems for universal care project in Kisumu and Nairobi in collaboration with Council of Governors (CoG) and Ministry of Health (MoH) by August 2021.
2. Strengthen capacity of 2 county AY SRHR Networks and 60 female and male youth advocates on MAYE, social accountability and SMART Advocacy in GFF Processes by August 2021.

$30,000 Sept 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Organization for African Youth-Kenya (OAY)
Hub Grant-HENNET Kenya Advocacy

The grant objective is to improve health CSOs coordination for RMNCAH+N investments at the national and in three counties by March 2021; to strengthen the capacity of health CSO on health financing and GFF, then to hold government and stakeholders accountable for the implementation of the RMNCAH+N investment cases and funding at national and in the three counties.

$45,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub HENNET
Hub Grant-Liberia Health CSO Network Liberia Capacity Strengthening

The proposed work is designed to contribute to LiHCON' capacity to sustain their advocacy and match their advocacy actions towards protecting the health of women, children and adolescent during the ongoing pandemic and beyond .The work will cover capacity building for LiHCON members on digital literacy to enhance their work during the Pandemic and beyond, while at the same time enabling them to continue advocacy work on RMNCAH including nutrition during the pandemic.

$50,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL)
Hub Grant Liberia Advocacy, Accountability

Strengthen Liberia Health CSOs Network to meaningfully engage government and partners including private sector as it relates to the Inclusive Multi-stakeholder Country Platforms in support of RMNCAH investment case in Liberia September 2020.

$28,000 Dec 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL)
Hub Grant - HINA - Phase II Madagascar Advocacy

The purpose of this project is to carry out advocacy at the regional/local level in order to guarantee the ownership of the actors, especially civil society, of the investment framework as well as its effective implementation.
The project will help strengthen the coordination of its members, participate in the implementation of the RMNCIA-N investment framework by setting up an accountability monitoring mechanism.

$50,000 Nov 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub HINA - Harmonisation des Initiatives en Nutrition et Sécurité Alimentaire
Hub Grant-HINA Madagascar Accountability

The project will help strengthen the coordination of the CSO coalition, participate in the implementation of the RMNCAH investment framework by monitoring budget allocations in the 2021 finance bill and promote essential health services for the population, for better post-pandemic protection from COVID-19.

$30,000 Oct 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub HINA - Harmonisation des Initiatives en Nutrition et Sécurité Alimentaire
Hub Grant - YICOD Malawi Youth

The project aims at advocating for increased resource allocation towards adolescent and youth SRHR + Nutrition in the National and District Budgets, National COVID 19 Response Plan and District Implementation Plans, through mobilizing and enhancing youth leaders capacity to hold government accountable .

$30,000 Aug 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Youth Initiative for Community Development (YICOD)
Hub Grant - MANASO Malawi

MANASO is proposing to build on the foundation that have been laid where CSOs set up structures and systems that would enable them to actively participate in GFF processes. MANASO wants to strengthen these structures and systems, and where necessary develop and adapt new ones for systematic involvement of coalition members in the GFF processes and investment case implementation through CSO capacity building as well as budget tracking and monitoring.

$40,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub MANASO - Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations
Hub Grant - CSPEEDA Mali Nutrition

Objective 1: Thus the project will contribute to strengthening the Mutual Accountability Mechanism (MRM) on the GFF through capacity building and ownership by CSOs of the GFF investment case. Social mobilization will also pass through a strong involvement of the media in this project.
Objective 2: Contribute to the influence of development plans in favor of nutrition in the target municipalities of the project (integration and financing of nutrition) in accordance with the indications of the GFF investment file in the municipalities of Koulikoro and Tienfala.
Objective 3: By the end of 2022, the municipal (Town Halls) and health (ASACO) authorities of the municipalities in the Koulikoro circle allocate a budget to cover the transport of inputs and the motivation of community relays.

$30,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Association du Centre Sahélien de Prestation, d’Etudes, d’Ecodéveloppement et de Démocratie Appliquée (ONG-CSPEEDA)
Hub Grant - CCNEJ Mali Accountability, Youth

The project activities will focus on Bamako and revolve around three elements:
• Capacity building of adolescents and young people on subjects related to sexual and reproductive health;
• Monitoring access of adolescents and young people to modern methods of contraception;
• Monitoring in the implementation of the priority related to the sexual health of Adolescents and Young people integrated in Mali's investment file under the GFF.

$30,000 Nov 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Conseil Consultatif National des Enfants et Jeunes (CCNEJ)
Hub Grant - AMSME - Phase II Mauritania Advocacy

This project focuses on strengthening the accountability and coordination of the interventions of member organizations of the GFF coalition.

$50,000 Jan 2023 PAI CSO GFF Hub Association Mauritanienne pour la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant (AMSME)
Hub Grant - AMAMI Mauritania Nutrition

This project aims to strengthen the capacities of civil society through the GFF coalition and the SUN alliance so that they can fully play their role in monitoring investment in nutrition and advocating for common strategies. and effective in order to improve the health and nutritional situation in Mauritania.

$30,000 Oct 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Association Mauritanienne d’Aides aux Malades Indigents (AMAMI)
Hub Grant - AMSME Mauritania Advocacy

The main activities consist of: advocacy, capacity building, coordination and monitoring, promotion and communication.

$30,000 Oct 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Association Mauritanienne pour la Santé de la Mère et de l'Enfant (AMSME)
Hub Grant - OCS - Phase II Mozambique Accountability

Objective 1: The government of Mozambique, through the minister of health includes the community needs, in the approved plan and state budget through a participatory process in Maputo, Matola, Tete and Sofala districts (by October 2022);
Objective 2: The Budget Monitoring Forum (FMO) promotes social accountability and documents the availability of quality primary and secondary healthcare services as a result of the government, donor funding, including a special focus on GFF loan/grant amounts and their distribution for the health sector in Mozambique (by October 2022);
Objective 3: The OCTBGSS supports the mozambican Civil Society Platform for Health (PLASOC), the Health and Co-management Committees to develop the technical expertise to track the government’s allocations, expenditures and performance through the social accountability monitoring tools by October 2022.

$50,000 Nov 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Associação Observatório do Cidadão para Transparência e Boa Governação no Sector Saúde (OCTBGSS)
Hub Grant - OCS Mozambique Advocacy

The Citizen Observatory for Health will train and empower community health Activists to be able to respond to community needs, particularly ensuring that community health extension workers are still allowed to provide home based care to chronic patients during COVID; and to carry out a public budget tracking to ensure that by March 2021, the CSO UHC Coalition is aware of the amount and distribution of government and donor funding for the health sector.

$40,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Associação Observatório do Cidadão para Transparência e Boa Governação no Sector Saúde (OCTBGSS)
Hub Grant - TUN Niger Nutrition

Nutrition activities will be integrated into the investment plans of 8 municipalities in the Mayahi department in the Maradi region by November 2022. This region is one of the four priority regions of the GFF investment case in Niger. Advocacy and dialogue will be engaged with central and decentralized authorities in favor of nutrition.

$30,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Collectif Tous Unis en faveur de la Nutrition au Niger (TUN-Niger)
Hub Grant - NESS Niger Coalition Building

Communication around barrier measures with muted development of protocol for the use of health services in a pandemic situation will be the basis of the proposed activities. This communication will take place with and towards CSOs, with and towards health workers and finally with and towards pregnant women. Upstream, data will be collected on attendance at health centers in the project areas. The purpose of these activities is to get women to continue to attend health centers despite the health situation of Covid-19.

$30,000 July 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Niger Education Santé et Sport (NESS)
Hub Grant - AHBN Nigeria Advocacy

Scaling up coordinated civil society and youth’s advocacy in Nigeria for ensuring non-disruption of Women’s, children’s, and adolescent’s health (WCAH) services under the Nigeria RMNCAH+N-COVID-19 Continuity Response Plan.

$50,000 Sept 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)
Hub Grant - AHBN - regional support Nigeria Capacity Strengthening

Produce GFF Spotlight and accompanying technical assistance and mentoring to four countries (Ethiopia, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Tanzania) to develop their respective GFF Spotlight.

$37,000 Jul 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN)
Hub Grant - ONG-EVE Senegal Nutrition

Objective 1: Better integration of nutrition interventions in the implementation and monitoring and evaluation of the ISMEA project, by 2023.
Objective 2: Strengthening the accountability of ISMEA project stakeholders in the Kolda and Sédhiou regions through inclusive monitoring and evaluation of nutrition interventions by 2023.

$30,000 Dec 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub ONG Eau Vie Environnement (ONG EVE)
Hub Grant - REPAOC/OAFRESS - Phase II Senegal Capacity Strengthening

Objective 1: CSOs from the two (2) GFF member countries develop technical expertise with the involvement of CSOs from the first 5 countries, to identify neglected sectors in the various investment cases with a view to better taking them into account. account of public health issues.
Objective 2: The 7 beneficiary countries of the project integrate neglected sectors into the investment plan thanks to the advocacy of CSOs who are also involved in CSO coalitions on the GFF.

$50,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub REPAOC / OAFRESS
Hub Grant - ANJ-SR/PF - Phase II Senegal Youth, Accountability

Project activities will focus on the same regions as in the pilot phase of the GFF and revolve around three elements:
-Mobilize a series of community actors to engage in monitoring the implementation of the ISMEA project
-Strengthening community social accountability on SRAJ: developing a virtual platform linked to the Community Scorecard to monitor the performance of services for adolescents and young people, share good practices and action points to improve the offer of care under the GFF and influencing policy through youth advocacy.
- Leverage evidence-based lessons to influence investments and programs on SRAJ at national and decentralized level

$50,000 Oct 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Alliance nationale des Jeunes pour la Santé de la Reproduction et de la Planification Familiale (ANJ-SR/PF)
Hub Grant - ANJ-SR/PF Senegal Accountability

Project activities will focus on two priority regions of the GFF and revolve around three elements:
• Capacity building of young people on advocacy for sexual and reproductive health rights and services
• Analysis of the performance of the health system related to services for young people and adolescents
• Monitoring and accountability of one of the priorities of the investment case related to the health of young people and adolescents.

$30,000 Dec 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Alliance nationale des Jeunes pour la Santé de la Reproduction et de la Planification Familiale (ANJ-SR/PF)
Hub Grant - Consortium RESOPOPDEV-COSC/GFF Senegal Accountability

Project interventions revolve around 4 axes:
-Strengthening governance and coordination;
-Strategic and programmatic monitoring of GFF implementation and stakeholder commitments (government, local authorities, private sector, civil society, technical and financial partners);
-Strengthen the active participation of CSOs in social accountability at the community level;
-Support for the implementation of the COSC GFF resilience plan.

$50,000 Jul 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Consortium RESOPOPDEV-COSC/GFF
Hub Grant - REPAOC / OAFRESS Senegal Capacity Strengthening

Proposing an "Advocacy Champions Program" to educate and improve the knowledge of non-state actors about the GFF. This program, already developed on immunization, will develop advocacy skills around the GFF, for additional cohorts of actors selected in the GFF countries of the OAFRESS community.

$30,000 Jul 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub REPAOC / OAFRESS
Hub Grant - Health Alert Sierra Leone Advocacy

1. To work with RMNCAH+N CSO coalition members to engage key stakeholders and policy makers in the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and the World Bank office in Sierra Leone to fully understand the bottlenecks or challenges/reasons responsible for the delay in approving the Sierra Leone Investment Case and the provision of the GFF Trust fund for the implementation of GFF activities in Sierra Leone.
2. To Work with the RMNCAH+N CSO coalition to develop a strategy to overcome the identified bottlenecks for successful implementation of the GFF Investment Case in Sierra Leone.

$10,000 Jun 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Health Alert
Hub Grant - HDT - Phase III Tanzania Advocacy

Objective 1: By April 2022, Civil Society Organizations have participated in the development of GFF phase II discussions with the Government of Tanzania and the World Bank.
Objective 2: By August 2022, RMNCAH CSOs in Tanzania understand the content of approved GFF Phase II Program Appraisal Document and have in place, a monitoring and accountability plan.

$50,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT)
Hub Grant - HDT Tanzania Accountability

(1) Finalize the GFF-CSO engagement strategy for operationalization, alignment and engagement of the GFF – CSO Coordinating Group in the national GFF dialogue structures. (2) Conduct and in-depth analysis of GFF verified performance reports (Program and Finance) and Government led unverified RMNCAH score cards. These outputs will be presented and discussed during CSO-GFF coordinating group bi-annual review meetings. We will then develop policy briefs with policy asks, design and print for use in advocacy with MoH, PORALG and WB as appropriate.

$30,000 Oct 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT)
Hub Grant - HDT Phase II Tanzania Accountability

(1) Ensure that Tanzanian CSOs are meaningfully engaged in the government-led process to formulate the Health Sector Strategic Plan V and One Plan III;
(2) Coordinate CSO inputs and advocacy to ensure that these priorities are reflected in the GFF phase II project design/PAD; and
(3) Work with the government to overcome absorption challenges with the first GFF and aligned investment, so that 95% of the funds are disbursed by June 2021.

$50,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT)
Hub Grant - 3FHi - Phase II Uganda Advocacy

Objective 1: Ntoroko district government adopt policy framework to promote WCAH investments by August 2022.
Objective 2: Strengthened CSO coalition in Ntoroko district on WCAH investments and accountability by Augusts 2022.
Objective 3: Secure commitments from Ntoroko DLG for ReIF financing by September 2022.

$50,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHI)
Hub Grant - NYHN - Phase II Uganda Youth, Accountability

Objective 1: District and Regional Referral Hospitals in 10 selected districts commit to provide quality adolescent health services based on the 2016 Adolescent Health Service Standard and Policy Guidelines by June 2022.
Objective 2: 20 DICAH youth representatives in 10 selected districts, 3 CCM youth representatives and GFF youth representative on the ADH technical working group have technical expertise to effectively engage in evidence based smart advocacy and hold decision makers accountable for improved adolescent health service delivery by June 2022.
Objective 3: By June 2022, 500 AGYWs and young women in 5 divisions of Kampala have adequate skills, knowledge and tools to monitor key nutrition indicators among AGYW and young women in slum communities and appropriately refer them for nutrition services at nearest health facilities.

$30,000 Aug 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)
Hub Grant - RCRA Uganda Advocacy

RCRA requested support to: document the implementation of the GFF-financed RBF investment in Kasese District through the development of district score cards; and (2) To strengthen the RMNCAH+N district civil society coalition; and (3) Build district level CSOs capacity for health budget advocacy and expenditure tracking.

$40,000 Dec 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA)
Hub Grant - Uganda Youth Platform Uganda Advocacy

By 2021, support youth led and youth serving organizations in Uganda, to develop an evidence based joint youth advocacy action and coordination plan to enhance meaningful youth participation, transparency and accountability for GFF and the RMNCAH investment case for Uganda.

$15,000 Dec 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum (UYAHF), Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)
Hub Grant - 3FHI Uganda Advocacy

At the national level, Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHi) will leverage on the recently launched Inter-Faith Alliance for the Advancement of FP/SRH in Uganda (iFAP). At the sub-national level (Rwenzori Region), 3FHi will partner with Rwenzori Centre for Research and Advocacy (RCRA). At this lower level (Rwenzori) 3FHi will link trained and equipped FRL with RCRA led-monitoring and accountability processes in the targeted districts of Ibanda,Kamwenge, Ntoroko,Rubirizi and Kyenjonjo in the greater Rwenzori Region. Jointly with RCRA Project Team, 3FHi will provide technical assistance and follow-up to ensure that District’s WCAH Faith Advocates are fully engaged and actively involved.

$40,000 Aug 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHI)
Hub Grant - Uganda CSO Coalition Uganda Coalition Building, Advocacy

Uganda RMNCAH+N coalition plans to strengthen coordination of members in the implementation and monitoring of GFF both at sub national and national level. Through consensus building, increasing/aligning resources and actions to present a coordinated CS perspective and meaningful participation in national and sub‐national processes through the national multi‐stakeholder platform and other similar structures at the sub‐national level. More still, policy and budget advocacy will be strengthened for RMNCAH+N issues and priorities as well as other WCAH targets.

$50,000 Jul 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO)
Hub Grant - NYHN - Meaningful Youth Engagement Research Uganda

The MAYE Plus analysis will aim at understanding how youth networks are engaged and coordinated in the GFF in country process. The MAYE Plus will build on the MAYE in the GFF analysis conducted by Global Health Visions with support from PMNCH and will take a deeper and a more diverse understanding of level of engagement, power to influence decisions, existence of structures and other mechanisms to support coordination, factors that have favored effective coordination and what has limited effective coordination of youth networks in GFF processes.

$10,000 Aug 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)
Hub Grant - CRHE - Phase II Zambia Advocacy

Objective 1: CSO Coalition identify, develop and put forward a set of priorities for the RMNCAH-N roadmap by Dec 2021.
Objective 2: The CSO health coalition in Zambia remains active, through regular meetings/coordination of the coalition to ensure CSO and youth representatives on the country platform are truly reflective of and accountable to a broader CSO community. The coalition will further monitor, identify gaps and develop advocacy activities for RMNCAH-N activities to in their respective catchment areas.
Objective 3: CSO coalition ensures that priorities identified in RMNCAH-N roadmap are reflected in the indicators to monitor the national budget

$50,000 Sep 2022 PAI CSO GFF Hub Centre for Reproductive Health and Education (CRHE)
Hub Grant - CRHE Zambia Advocacy

Hold National Civil Society Organization(CSO)consultations on CSO Engagement on GFF. The meeting aims to identify what specific activities and role civil society can undertake to contribute to the achievement of the Investment Case and to more systematically coordinate CSO engagement in the GFF processes in Zambia.

$45,000 Jun 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Centre for Reproductive Health and Education (CRHE)
Hub Grant - CWGH Zimbabwe Advocacy

Develop a network of CSO practitioners working with GFF to document, share and make their work more visible. Document and share work being done, to better understand good practices on GFF. Build capacity for tracking and monitoring GFF processes in Zimbabwe for social dialogue and accountability of services. Thus strengthen and equip internal capacities of CSOs through supporting information exchange, dialogue in the network, and through skills inputs on the Investment Case. Promote the establishment of CSO GFF Platform that bring CSOs together at sub-national and national level.

$30,000 Sep 2020 PAI CSO GFF Hub Community Working Group on Health (CWGH)
Hub Grant - Zimbabwe CSO Coalition Zimbabwe Advocacy, Accountability

A grant to CWGH to coordinate the Zimbabwe CSO GFF coalition; and engage Zimbabwean authorities to attain pre-COVID levels of
access to RMNCAH/N services in Mutasa rural and Bulawayo urban districts by December 2021.

$40,000 Sep 2021 PAI CSO GFF Hub Community Working Group on Health (CWGH)

Partners in Population and Development Africa Regional Office (PPD ARO)