This report outlines the Hub’s overall strategy and grant-making for its first year, spanning November 2018 through March 2020. The report outlines the focus of the Hub’s work: the ongoing efforts to bolster civil society health coalitions, which are proving essential to coordinate civil society engagement in the GFF and emergency response. In the first 18 months of the project, the Hub issued 14 grants totaling $418,186. These grants were in response to the expressed needs of civil society colleagues in GFF countries, drawing on expertise from within GFF countries to share lessons and facilitate learning wherever possible. These initial grants form the basis of the Hub’s grant-making strategy as well as the continued focus on the impacts of these investments on increased civil society engagement, knowledge of GFF processes, South-South learning and accountability for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health financing. The goal of these investments is that they will lead to smarter, more sustainable health financing in GFF countries.