Publication: Case Study on the Africa Medical Equipment Facility (Kenya)

Wemos (The Netherlands) is pleased to share with you a joint case study that it conducted together with Akina Mama wa Afrika (Uganda). We analysed the Africa Medical Equipment Facility (AMEF), a relatively new blended finance facility rolled out in Kenya since 2021, which is carried out by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and is […]

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing, UHC

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Analysis of the Main Budget Indicators of the Health Sector in the Last 10 Years

In Mozambique, the health sector is the third sector that absorbs most resources from the State Budget, the first of the priority sectors that most absorbs resources is Education, followed by the infrastructure sector and education sector, considering the methodology presented in the budget documents for the economic and social sectors. The special focus of […]

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing

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Tracking The Progress And Implications Of The Global Financing Facility (In This Case Results – Based Financing) In The Healthcare Sector In Uganda

This study tracks progress of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in Uganda, which contributes to the Uganda Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health Services Improvement Project (URMCHIP), and particularly the implementation of the Results Based Framework (RBF) component of URMCHIP.

Type: Resources

Category: Results-based Financing

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Pushing the envelope through the Global Financing Facility: Potential impact of mobilizing additional support to scale-up life-saving interventions for women, children and adolescents in 50 high-burden countries

This research study is the first of its kind to estimate the potential impact of increased resources available to improve RMNCAH-N outcomes

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing

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