The CSCG Coordination Unit is delighted to announce and warmly welcome the newly elected members to key leadership positions within the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF (CSCG).

These individuals have been chosen by their peers on the Steering Committee for their unwavering dedication and expertise in advancing SRMNCAH-N (Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Nutrition) both globally and within their respective countries, as well as for their steadfast commitment to civil society and youth engagement.

The esteemed new members of the CSCG Steering Committee are as follows:

Furthermore, we extend our warmest congratulations to the new members of the CSCG Independent Advisory Board (IAB):

We eagerly anticipate collaborating with these individuals to further the CSCG’s mission of fostering civil society and youth engagement, as well as advocating for sustainable and equitable health financing. They will serve as invaluable partners and resources for all CSCG members throughout their term. The CSCG relies on the active participation and collaboration of its members to achieve our shared objectives. We encourage all partners to engage with the new Steering Committee and Advisory Board members, working together to ensure that the CSCG remains at the forefront of promoting sustainable and equitable health and nutrition financing globally.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all candidates for their dedication to advancing civil society and youth constituencies in all GFF partners, target, and donor countries. We would like to thank the members of the CSCG Electoral Board for their guidance and oversight. As the NGO Host for the GFF, PAI did not participate in the vote.

We are also glad to announce new CSCG leadership opportunities – (see below CSCG Elections – Call For Expressions of Interest) as the CSCG invites Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Youth-led Organizations (YLOs) from all GFF regions to serve as Civil Society and Youth Alternate Representatives to the GFF Investors Group and as Regional CSO/YLO Representatives from Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America in the Steering Committee of the CSCG (7 positions available) in Spring 2023. The recruitment process is open to all interested and eligible CSOs and YLOs, particularly those committed to advancing constructive advocacy and collaborative accountability for health and nutrition.

Once again, congratulations to the new members of the CSCG Steering Committee and Independent Advisory Board. We encourage all members of the CSCG community to remain involved and engaged. We eagerly look forward to collaborating with you all in the coming weeks to further strengthen civil society engagement and advocacy including on the GFF Deliver The Future campaign. Your contributions and interest are invaluable to us, and your efforts are shaping and illustrating the future success of the GFF. (Click here to provide updates and feedback on your country, regional, or global outcomes).

We also invite you to share the CSCG Elections News Update with your networks and on social media.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

Sincere regards,

The CSCG Coordination Unit of the GFF NGO Host at PAI



Dear colleagues,

The Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF (CSCG) is pleased to announce that its Steering Committee is still recruiting for the following positions:

The Steering Committee of the CSCG brings together CSCG members who represent Civil Society and Youth in setting priorities for advocacy, engagement, representation, and decision-making. CSCG Steering Committee members are expected to participate in all Steering Committee calls, which generally occur twice a month, unless traveling or out of the office. CSCG Steering Committee members are also expected to review draft documents and recommendations, act as resource persons for the broader CSCG membership, participate in CSCG webinars, and support information-sharing and communication about the GFF and Civil Society and Youth engagement at global, regional, country, and local levels.

These are not paid or reimbursable positions.

How to apply?

Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by submitting their application online at the following application link here.

Applications can be submitted online until Friday, March 28, 2024, at 11:59 PM UTC.

Apply here

Applications will be reviewed by the CSCG Elections Board, and selection will be made by the CSCG Steering Committee following an election.

For all available positions, selection will be processed with the intent to ensure a balanced representation of GFF countries per region, gender, technical expertise, and experience in GFF processes.

If you have questions about the CSCG elections, please write to the CSCG Coordination Unit of the GFF NGO Host at PAI

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