[Recap] GFF NGO Host / Connective Impact Training Part 1 : Fundraising for Lasting Impact

[May 14 & 16, 2024 – virtual] 📣 Missed the latest GFF NGO Host workshop on grant proposal making? Don’t worry! You can catch the recording here below. (French version available here). On May 14 & 16, the GFF CSO Hub hosted an insightful webinar led by Joanne Sonenshine from Connective Impact. The focus of […]

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Category: Adolescent and Youth Engagement, Civil Society, Domestic Resource Mobilization, GFF, Resource Mobilization

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Funding Opportunity: USAID ILRG II Environmental Defenders Grant Program

Source: Tetra Tech Integrated Land & Resource Governance Project (ILRG II) The USAID ILRG II Environmental Defenders Grant Program is designed to support environmental defender organizations with the resources necessary to enhance their impact in addressing the land-related root cause of threats, and ensure the long-term sustainability of their vital work. This co-creation grant initiative […]

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Analysis of SRHR prioritization in select GFF countries

The Global Financing Facility (GFF) is a mechanism aimed at catalyzing the allocation of grant resources to scale up healthcare initiatives in low- and middle-income countries by leveraging domestic government resources, International Development Association and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development financing, aligned external financing, and resources from the private sector. The case studies presented […]

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Category: GFF, Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights, SRMNCAH-N

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GFF NGO Host Training Session: Building a Communications Strategy Workshop

[March 19 & 21, 2024 – virtual] 📣 Missed the latest GFF NGO Host workshop on Building a Communications Strategy? Don’t worry! You can catch the recording right here. (French version available here). On 19 & 21 March 2024, the GFF NGO Host team at PAI held a dynamic communications strategy workshop led by Katie […]

Type: News

Category: Adolescent and Youth Engagement, Civil Society, Domestic Resource Mobilization, GFF, Resource Mobilization

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CSCG Post-IG17, 2023 Annual Workshop Readout & 2024 Action Agenda Webinar

On March 5, 2024, the CSCG Post-IG17 & 2024 Action Agenda Webinar provided a follow-up overview of the 17th GFF Investors’ Group meeting (IG16) held on November 28-30, 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya, and reflected on the outcomes and action items from the 2023 CSCG Civil Society and Youth Annual Workshop Outcome Document. The webinar was […]

Type: News

Category: Civil Society & Youth, GFF, Results-based Financing, SRMNCAH-N

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Le CSCG acceuille de nouveaux·lles dirigeant·es. Elections 2023 & 2024 du CSCG

L’Unité de Coordination du CSCG est ravie d’annoncer et d’accueillir chaleureusement les membres nouvellement élus à des postes de direction clés au sein du Groupe mondial de coordination de la société civile pour le GFF (CSCG). Ces personnes ont été choisies par leurs pairs du comité directeur pour leur dévouement indéfectible et leur expertise dans […]

Type: News

Category: Civil Society, Civil Society & Youth, GFF, Uncategorized

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CSCG welcomes new leaders – 2023 & 2024 CSCG Elections

The CSCG Coordination Unit is delighted to announce and warmly welcome the newly elected members to key leadership positions within the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF (CSCG). These individuals have been chosen by their peers on the Steering Committee for their unwavering dedication and expertise in advancing SRMNCAH-N (Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, […]

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Category: Civil Society, Civil Society & Youth, GFF

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3FHi, Uganda

In Uganda, Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHi) has mobilized and trained a diverse group of SRMNCAH-N advocates at district and national levels. The women, children and adolescent health (WCAH) champions include more than 200 traditional, cultural and interfaith religious leaders who play powerful roles in normalizing discourse around SRMNCAH-N and work to build broad-based […]

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ANJFAS, Central African Republic

Association Nationale des Jeunes Femmes Actives pour la Solidarité (ANJFAS) was founded by young women living with HIV in the Central African Republic (CAR) with the mission of fighting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Its objective is to foster a sense of solidarity and mutual support […]

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FHIDO, Ethiopia

In the Arada district of Addis Ababa, Future Hopes Integrated Development Organization (FHIDO) supported youth leaders to improve sexual and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge, skills and health care-seeking among their peers. These student leaders also strengthened referral linkages to nearby clinics and identified and addressed some of the real-world barriers to health and well-being faced […]

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Category: Uncategorized

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